What’s Self Publishing

For years the publication of a book presupposed a publisher who was responsible for printing and its distribution.

Today, thanks to the  self-publishing, it is possible to publish autonomously the book  and sell it through dedicated platforms.

So self-publishing is the publication of a book by its author without the involvement of an established publisher.

Everything is easier if you opt for the ebook.

What is an ebook?

It’ a book in electronic format available through particular devices (such as Kindle) that allow you to read it by choosing the size of the font, the brightness of the pages, to emphasize the parts of interest and so on.

And now the second question is: how do I publish my book in ebook format?

There are several platforms which offer particularly favorable conditions for the author that basically, except for some, provide: free publishing and payment of a royaltie on sales.

Leader is Amazon.

To join this initiative, simply go to the following address.

Once you have been entered (after registration),  you can start inserting the book (usually in Word format) following step by step the intuitive path available.

When all the phases have been completed, including the modalities through which the author’s rights are to be paid, the book is automatically put on sale in the Amazon circuit.

Another platform of sure interest is Lulu (click here)

Lulu is a demand publishing house based in the United States.

Once again, once registered, you can insert your book (in various formats in addition to Word) and opt for its distribution in the restricted market of Lulu or on a larger scale (suggested) by investing platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble , etc.

Payments are made through Paypal and therefore if you do not have an account you can obtain it by going to the following address.

Important will then be the tax information that will be provided by the user.

Another platform, certainly interesting, is StreetLib (click here).

StreetLib is company estabilished in Italy.

Once registered, you will be able to access a whole series of services, very innovative both in terms of editing and distribution.

Through StreetLib you have the distribution of the book in a lot of Italian and worldwide bookstores (Kobo, Amazon, Barne & Nobles, Googleplaystore, etc.).

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